Download Interactive book Nulled

Download Interactive book Nulled

Interactive book This template is created in the program Construct 2 -capx. -HTML5 -Behaviors Create your interactive books in the template for sites, mobile platforms or PC. Settings: Platform HTML5 The window size is 1280×720 The layout size 1280×1400 landscape orientation. Mobile platform Any The maximum number of layers 7 download: 16.1 mb memory use: […]
Download WP Flipbook Editor WordPress responsive HTML Flipbook Customizable Flipbook Editor for WordPress Nulled

Download WP Flipbook Editor WordPress responsive HTML Flipbook Customizable Flipbook Editor for WordPress Nulled

WP Flipbook Editor is a WordPress plugin that can be used for creating beautiful html booklet-like components that allow a page flip navigation. Any content can be used, such as videos, images or text. Create your HTML Flipbooks with the self-explanatory and simple WP Flipbook Editor. Creating Flipbooks has never been so easy for WordPress. […]